to me i think that jamel did the right thing to not smoke weed. yea he might lose his friends but at the same time he tried to tell them to stop that it will get them sick and they didn't want to listen. even when his friends told him lots of things that might make you smoke weed but he still didn't do. if i was in his place i would do the same thing. ill just walk away. jamel stayed to see how they would act he saw that they were coughing and acting foolish. i know that jamel really wanted to keep his friends since he grew up with them and its gonna be kinda hard to loose people that you knew your whole life. but at the end jamel noticed that he did the right choice.
***** extra credit ******
i think that one reason kids do things like this is because maybe they see other kids doing i and the wan to be cool and to it to .
and at the same time when there doing it the might want other kids to do it with them.
and when kids like don't want to do it hey will do the same things his friends did to him they wont talk to them and sometimes the will pressure you so much in to doing it that at the end yew find our self doing it to and at the end you will get addicted to it .