Monday, March 15, 2010

Some i would love to see in jail

Some one that i would love to see in jail is ,Mr.mcdowell ! 
The reason that i would like to see him in jail is because i think he threats kids but in a very sneaky way. & he insults kids like calling them stupid and i really like don't that so if i ever hear that he's in jail i think i will be very happy :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Monday, March 8, 2010


The most interesting part was seeing how far people can take the piercings.

One ; They like it
Two ; They like the pain
three ; It means something to them
I dont really think it says anything different because a piercing is a piercing just in different places. & they could just like the piercing so they get it.

In my opinion i think there is well its really just up to the person that has it because its going to be on them but if the like it its them so its ok!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Good thing gone bad ;

The banana ; The banana was just arrived to the house kinda green so it wasn't ready to get eaten ugh i was just there waiting for it to get good but it stood green. Weeks went by & i forgot about how badly i wanted the banana. Then one day i remembered about the banana so when i went to go get it ..... It was gone bad !

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What you'd you say to somone that is uninvited

This is what other ppl will say ;

Elias; Tell them to GET OUT !

Mr.lahanna; Look this is a private party we just don't have room right now its kind of crowded.

Selena;Ill tell lucy to tell them to leave because she's RUDE !

Sequoya; Excuse me but what are you doing here who you know in here that invited you.

Angelena; There's the door !