My typICal DaY IS WakE up do WhAt i hAve To Do , gO tO scHool
, sTaY ouT sIDe IN thE pArk WIth FrIenDs FoR a LIL wHILe, Go HOMe ANd do EvErythinG Else mORe.
At HOMe I tAke Care Of My LIL siSTerZ whEN mY mom IS noT thERe. ANd SOMETImES mY Mom tELLs m To CLEAn mY ROOm,DO thE dIShES, swEEp, anD OthER sTUff.
I DOnT REaLLY likE dOinG cHOrEs but i KNo I HavE to Ad sOMetiMes IT MAkeS Me fEEL gooD. IN SCHOOL I Do gOOd
BUT sOMeTimES i HavE M dAYS THat I gET IN trUBLe AND I acT up ..
uMm WELL Idk KNoW whAt WoRRYS mE .......MAYBE My GraDes aND sTUff LIKe thAT..
I dONt KNow Why mY PaRTenTS lET mE worK maYbE ItS to SHow mE rESPOnSEbiltiES anD HOw TO bE ClEAn ANd sTUfF..
i think thet ther parents shudl let them go ot school insted
of making them wor to take care off them cuz if they want to surrvive they shoudl work nd let tthere kidss go to school nd learn so in the future they cann work and be something in life!!
umm maybe i wouldd givee my slef a lil more freedom like not to be in the streets all the time but like to let me go out side more often and stuff.. [[i dont know]]
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