Monday, February 9, 2009

Text monster -- girlfriends story

i pickked D. ---- becouase she doesnt really know why hes acting the way he is with her & why hes not reasponding to her text. so she cant just jump to conclutions & say hes cheating on her or sya hes lying and smash his phone. so just talk to him and figure out whats worng.

YES! --- STORY TIMEE! ----- me,selena,lucy,isa,and some other people were doing a group chat on aim & they were all writing at the same time talking about different things so i said what the f*** you guys talking about & selena was mad at that momment & thought that i was talking to her so she didnt talk to me for like 2 dyas becouse she thought i said what the f*** you talking about.. when she said celii are you mad at me or something liek dat...
SO as you can see aim hurt ma realationship with her for a little while!

umm i think that talking threw the computer is one of the worse becousemaybe you type something wrong OR ment to type something to someone else & send it to the wrong person somehting bad can happen. PHONE -- its bad too becouse what if outta no where your phone dies or you loose survise then the other perosn might think that you hung up on them or somehting. FACE-TO-FACE -- i think that face to face is the best one becouse like your not going to loose surviese your battery isnt going to die & your not goin to say somehting to the worng person.

texting Pictures, Images and Photos

1 comment:

lahana said...

Interesting post. So it sounds like you're saying more misunderstandings happen when you use technology to communicate.

Is it possible for people to be closer friends online or on the phone than in person?