Thursday, February 11, 2010

9 good reasons to eat our mother-in-law's cooking

One ; It might taste good

Two ; Maybe wont have poison in it ;)

Three ; Her family members are going to come over for dinner & didn't do anything wrong to it.

Four ; You don't want to put up with your Husband/Wife arguing latter on (Mr. lahanna's idea ]

Five ; She likes you [ M A Y B E )

Six ; Your Husband/wife begged you to eat it ( Ugh face - _ - ]

Seven ; It remind you of our mothers coking

Eight ; When she turns around your going to throw it out :P ( Tung out ]

Nine ; Theres no dog that you can give it to under the table :[

Well there you have it N I N E [ 9 ) good reason's on why you would eat your mother-in-laws cooking :D

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